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Amira Solow Advocate
Why is it important to leave a Will?
By: Amira Solow, Adv. Despite our natural inclination to repress or postpone the subject of death, life’s lesson has proven to us that...
Amira Solow Advocate
Top 5 Misconceptions When Purchasing a Home in Israel
By Amira Solow Adv. Real estate and Inheritance Attorney With all the new families making Aliya and moving to Modiin as well as other...
Amira Solow Advocate
Rentals in Israel- Where has the market come to and tips to close the deal
Finding a temporary housing solution in Israel can be quite a difficult task, especially in areas where the demand in the market...
Amira Solow Advocate
Buying a Home in Israel? Wait Did You Think About these Preliminary Steps?
Buying a Home in Israel? Wait Did You Think About these Preliminary Steps? By: Amira Solow Adv. & Notary Whether you are buying your...
Amira Solow Advocate
Enduring Power of Attorney
By: Amira Solow, Advocate and Notary Imagine a situation where God forbid you, a family member or loved one, reaches a stage in which...
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